When sending messages to members from within Clubmate, it is possible to insert documents, maps, pdfs etc. as hyperlinks.
*before being able to do this, you must have a weblink for your document. You can create a weblink by hosting your document in the cloud (eg, dropbox, google, website etc.).
Once you have a weblink for your document, please see the process below:
Step one
Add the content for your message:
Step two
Highlight the text you would like to use as the 'hyperlink' to your document (this is what the recipient will click on to see the document)
Step three
Now click on the Hyperlink symbol in the toolbar
Step four
A new box will pop up providing you with the option to add a hyperlink to the text.ย
Now replace the text in the 'To what URL should this link go?' box with the URL for your document and click Insert Link
You'll now notice that the colour of the text in the message will have turned Blue. This means that when it is clicked, it will display your document.