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Has your committee changed?

If you've had a change of personnel at your club/fishery here's what to do to get up to speed with Clubmate. Reach out and help us help you!

Rob Harris avatar
Written by Rob Harris
Updated over 7 months ago

We'd like to think that when you join Clubmate we provide some great support and useful resources to get you started

Over time, though, things change and people move on. If you find yourself managing Clubmate for your club or fishery, or you would like to hand over the reins to someone new here's what to do:

Step 1 is to add or promote the new admin user in Clubmate. You can find all of the necessary information on how to do this in our help articles HERE. The current 'Owner' should add any new admin users prior to any changes

For new bailiffs

For new bailiffs, please head to our support centre in your Clubmate dashboard, where you will find handy links to the bailiff training webinar and bailiff specific help articles:

If you have a new 'Owner' and they will be managing your Clubmate system, this might be a new membership secretary, treasurer or fishery staff, we're here to give you all the tools you need

Follow the steps below and you'll soon be up to speed:

  • Head over to our Help Centre to search a comprehensive set of articles on how to use all of our Clubmate features

  • Contact support via the button in your Clubmate account to get in touch with us directly, or email

  • Book in to The Clubmate Workshop for a dedicated one on one session with our Client Engagement Manager, Rob, to discuss your setup, how to make the most out of Clubmate or how to approach the software as a new admin user

The most important thing to remember is we're here to help. Use the resources above and contact us any time if you're adding a new admin user, you've got some new committee members or you've found yourself in charge of Clubmate

We look forward to working with you!

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