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Booking a ticket

How to book a ticket

Owain Rees avatar
Written by Owain Rees
Updated over a month ago

To book a ticket with your club or fishery, firstly ensure that guest tickets are available, your club's website / rules should confirm this, if not then get in touch with the club directly.

Log in to your profile through the link on the clubs website or through the emailed link you may have received.

You should once logged into your profile see an option to "Make a booking" on the right hand side of the screen, click on this.

On the following screen you should see a calendar view with the available activities for the club or fishery, select from the dropdown list showing "All activities" to the option you are looking for.

Once this has been selected the options should be narrowed down on the calendar. Select the date that you wish to book, providing there are available spaces on this date you can click "Book" to proceed.

From here review the information and price (if applicable) and select "Add to cart"

Now click "Continue to cart"

You will now need to add the guest ticket to your basket

And then click "Continue"

Finally click on "Submit payment" to process payment for the guest ticket via the stored card details (If applicable)

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