When a customer makes a booking they receive an email confirmation, you can customize this email and include any additional information that you'd like.
If you go to the top right of the screen and the settings tab, then scroll down and go to email templates. The email template that you need to amend for a booking is under “booking email.”
If you go to the edit button on the right hand side, this will take you into the existing template for the booking email.
These details are included automatically. This will populate the customer's first name, the customer's last name, along with the other details listed here automatically.
What you can include on top of this is any other information, such as a link to the rules. If you’d like to create a hyperlink to the rules of your fishery, you can do that by clicking the link tab at the top, and then including the link and text description for that particular link.
You can also include a photo to customize the look of the booking confirmation. If you wanted a photo of the venue or event, you could add that or anything else that you'd like.
You can also customize the text within this template, just by typing in any information that you feel is relevant for the booking. Once you've completed this you can then hit the save changes button on the top right. This will ensure any further booking emails are sent out with these details included.