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Booking Bans

How to restrict someone from making a booking

Owen Chapman avatar
Written by Owen Chapman
Updated over 4 years ago

Whilst we hope everyone plays nicely together, from time to time, you may have members/customers who abuse your booking system. They're often the ones who book for weeks ahead to block out a space for themselves but then don't turn up or cancel in advance - potentially stopping someone else from a days fishing.

Whatever the reason, you can choose to ban someone from making a booking for a specific activity type (indefinitely) or issue a blanket ban for all activities for a specified period of time.

For example, if someone constantly books on to matches but then doesn't turn up, you can ban them from booking themselves on to your clubs matches for the next week or month. Or if someone books Guest Tickets and abuses your Guest Ticket policy, you could block them booking any more Guest Tickets. Or if a Day Ticket holder has left litter at their swim and you don't want to encourage repeat business, you can switch off their ability to make a booking with you.

How to implement a ban/restriction

Go to the profile of the person you wish to ban from making bookings.

1) Then click on the Restrictions tab.

2) If you want to issue a blanket ban on all bookings for a specific period of time, select the end date of the ban. If you only want to limit them from being able to book a specific activity only, do NOT enter a date.

3) To ban someone from beingSelect which activity type you want to stop them from being able to book (you can select multiple).

What does a member/customer see

Blanket bans

When you implement a blanket ban, a member/customer will not be able to view the booking diary via their online account. Instead, they will see a notification advising them that their account has been restricted and they must contact you to make a booking.

Restricted activity access

If you have decided to restrict access to a specific activity only, the member/customer will still be able to access the booking diary however they will not be able to see the restricted activity type in the diary. For example, if you have restricted their access to Guest Ticket bookings, the Guest Ticket option will no longer be visible to them in the diary however all other booking options will still be there.

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