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Bulk Actions

Updating membership details in bulk

Owen Chapman avatar
Written by Owen Chapman
Updated over 4 years ago

If you need to update your memberships in bulk rather than individually, you can do this via our Bulk Actions tool.

This enables you to update membership status (Active/Inactive/Frozen), extend the membership length and also increase/decrease ongoing payment plans for multiple members in one go.

The most common use cases for this tool will be to close expired memberships, close prospective memberships and extend membership dates.

How it works

You can find the Bulk Actions tool via Settings > Bulk Actions.

To create a new Bulk action, click on Create new action.

And then give the action a relevant name so that you can identify it easily, eg, Close Expired Memberships 1/1/2020-31/12/2020

1) The first step is to choose which membership types you want to update. You can choose a specific membership plan or an entire status. This will then select all members that fall within that category so they will be updated.

eg, if your intention is to close expired memberships, choose the Expired option from the dropdown.

2) To refine your selection further, you can add the date since membership started. This allows you to only select memberships that started after a specific date.

eg, if your intention is to close all expired memberships that started after 1/1/2020, select this date.

3) Now choose whether to update the membership status or not. Moving a membership to inactive will close it down. So if your intention is to close expired or prospective memberships, select Inactive.

If you do not wish to change the status, select NoChange.

4) If you wish to change the value of the payments for an existing members payment schedule, you can add the new value in the box. Please note that this is only relevant for regular payments such as a monthly direct debit.

You can also add further days to the end of the fixed contract length. So if you have changed your membership dates part way through the season (which has been common during Covid-19 affected season), you can extend the membership for everyone by adding 'x' number of days.

5) If you would like to send a message to your members at the same time as the bulk action takes place, click on the Send email check box and then add your subject line and message. The message will be sent at the same time as the action takes place.

Once your criteria has been selected, click on Check & Schedule in the top right. This will produce a summary of the actions you are going to take, plus provide a full breakdown of which membership are about to be updated.

Your bulk action will not take place by clicking on this button. You will have an opportunity to complete the action on the next page.

Confirm & Schedule the bulk action

You will now be presented with a summary of the actions you are about to take plus a full list of the memberships that are going to be affected.

Please read through and check that the actions you are about to take are exactly what what you want to achieve.


Once you are happy, click on the green Confirm & Schedule button. This will initiate the bulk action to take place within the next 10-15 minutes (depending on how many records are being updated).

If the information on the screen is not what you expected, click on Cancel & Return. This will return you to the previous screen so that you can update the criteria.

Remember to double check all of the details are accurate before you click on Confirm. You will not be able to undo the actions afterwards.

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