We define Bolt-ons as additional up-sell item that your members have the option of purchasing when they are joining online.
The bolt-on(s) is effectively a Product which is presented to the member just after they've chosen their membership plan. It could be anything you want to sell in additional to the membership - eg, physical ID card, merchandise, printed newsletters, donations, keys etc.
The value will then be automatically added to the total value.
So, how do you set them up?
Head over to the Settings Menu, and click Products.
Next, click Add New Product (or edit an existing one)
You'll need to give the bolt-on a name (make sure it is relevant at the point of purchase) and select which product type. Choose Product as the type (only select credits if the bolt-on will provide access to bookings).
On the Basic Options tab, make sure you enter a price. If you are using our ID card service, you can enter any price you wish (it does not need to be the same price as the credits you purchase from us). You can also choose to add a nominal code and add the product to a group if you wish.
Adding a product photo will also help the member identify with the product straight away. If you'd like to upload a photo of the bolt-on, click the grey box on the right and then add your image.
Then click on the Advanced Options tab at the top and select One-off (on joining) in the bolt-on drop down box. Only use the monthly option if you are offering a monthly payment for your membership and would like the bolt-on to be charged every month.
Once you've selected the product as a Bolt-on you now have the option to make it available for all membership plans or just for specific membership plans.
To enable the bolt-on to be available for all membership plans, go back to the Basic options tab and check the box at the bottom labelled 'Available on all membership plans'.
If you only want the bolt-on to be available with specific membership plans, you need to configure this within the relevant Membership plan. Go to the relevant membership plan and add it under the Bolt-ons tab (example Membership plan screen below)
Now click SAVE
How a member sees Bolt-ons
Your member will now see the below screen (with your relevant products displayed) after they've chosen a membership.