When someone registers their details on Clubmate for the first time, they will be prompted to accept your terms and conditions (rules) and privacy policy.
If they do not agree to them, they cannot proceed. So it's important that they are up to date.
Terms & Conditions
To add your rules, navigate to the Members Area tab in Club Settings. (Go to Settings > Club Info and then click the Members Area tab).
To edit your Terms & Conditions, click on the blue text Terms & Conditions
This will open up the T&C's page, allowing you to add Edit the content directly.
To add or change content, click on the Edit button
You can then type the content directly or copy and paste existing your rules straight in to the box.
Once you are happy with the content, click Save
Your changes will be reflected immediately. To navigate back to the Admin Dashboard, click on the link at the top of the page.
Privacy Policy
The process for adding/updating your privacy policy mirrors the same approach as above. However instead of clicking on the Terms & Conditions link, click on the Privacy Policy link instead.